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侯岳  刘春生  刘聃  何楠 《探矿工程》2022,49(2):16-21
近年来,随着海域天然气水合物的勘探不断深入,为了进一步提高产量,加快实现海域天然气水合物商业化开采步伐,水平井开发成为了增产的重要手段。然而浅软地层水平井施工过程中,面对浅软未成岩地层,重点要解决好大斜度井段和水平井段的井眼清洁、井壁稳定、流变性能控制,润滑降摩、防漏等关键技术。本文从浅软地层水平井钻井液技术难点出发,通过室内研究和现场试验,形成了一套满足浅软地层水平井钻井施工的钻井液体系和钻井液施工工艺,并在陆地进行了多口浅软地层水平试验井施工,确保了钻完井顺利实施,为我国海域天然气水合物水平井试采提供了大量的现场试验数据。  相似文献   
通过压力传递实验,对秀山龙马溪组页岩进行了不同浓度和不同类型盐溶液影响下的渗流试验,确定不同水活度盐溶液对页岩渗流规律和井壁稳定影响机理。结果表明:(1)在相同浓度的盐溶液中,阻缓秀山龙马溪组页岩孔隙压力传递能力最强的盐类为HCOONa。(2)对于相同类型的盐溶液,最高的浓度并不总能具有最好阻缓能力。阻缓秀山龙马溪组页岩孔隙压力传递效果较好的前5种盐溶液是20% HCOONa、5% HCOONa、20% KCl、20% HCOOK和5% NaCl。(3)相对于人工压制页岩,在粘土矿物含量(20%)一致时,盐溶液贯穿龙马溪组页岩孔隙时间平均长90.11%,平均渗透率低99.14%。(4)在粘土矿物成分一致时,盐溶液在人工页岩中的渗流规律与龙马溪组页岩的一致性较好,但对于实际渗透率和渗流时间、表征系数与真实页岩相差大于90%。(5)针对龙马溪组页岩,提出了基于水活度的单位距离渗流时间模型,以及不同盐溶液的水活度-渗透率规律。研究成果可为适用于龙马溪组页岩钻进的水基钻井液体系遴选提供较好的理论和技术基础。  相似文献   
Two injection tests, shallow and deep, followed by repeated temperature logging were performed in the Lake City, California OH-1 corehole, to delineate permeable zones, investigate the permeability of rocks adjacent to the wellbore, and to test the validity of maximum-reading thermometer (MRT) measurements collected during the drilling process that show lower than static temperatures above a depth of 2100 ft and significantly higher than static temperatures below a depth of about 2500 ft. The tests confirmed several permeable zones in OH-1. At about 300 ft, there is a strong zone of lateral flow, and at 947 ft there is a major outflow zone for injected fluid. Two other possible permeable flow zones were detected from the thermal recovery logs: one at about 1500 ft and another at about 2300 ft. The 2300 ft permeable zone seems to be an inflow zone, and the source of a probable downflow responsible for cooling the wellbore below about 2500 ft. The hotter MRT data obtained during drilling may be reconciled with the significantly lower static temperature logs if downflow from about 2300 ft is present.  相似文献   
Study on tectonic stress of Zhongyuan oil field with wellbore breakout data(黄雨蕊)(许忠淮)(高阿甲)(谭廷栋)StudyontectonicstressofZhongyu...  相似文献   
The interaction of fine mineral particles with stranded oil in an aqueous medium reduces the adhesion of the oil to solid surfaces, such as sediments or bedrock. The net result is the formation of stable, micron-sized, oil droplets that disperse into the water column. In turn, the increase in surface area makes the oil more available for biodegradation. This interaction, referred to as oil–mineral aggregate (OMA) formation, can explain how oiled shorelines are cleaned naturally in the absence of wave action in very sheltered coastal environments. OMA formation also plays an important role in the efficacy of shoreline treatment techniques, such as physical mixing and sediment relocation that move oiled sediments into the zone of wave action to promote the interaction between oil and mineral fines. Successful application of these shoreline treatment options has been demonstrated at two spill events (the Tampa Bay response in Florida and the Sea Empress operation in Wales) and at a controlled oil spill experiment in the field (the 1997 Svalbard ITOSS program). Sediment relocation harnesses the hydraulic action of waves so that the processes of fine-particle interaction and physical abrasion usually occur in tandem on open coasts. There has been no evidence of significant detrimental side-effects of residual oil in pelagic or benthic environments associated with the use of these treatment options to enhance rates of dispersion and oil biodegradation.  相似文献   
以淀粉为主要原料,合成了新型多羟基糖苷防塌剂DTG-1。对合成样品的理化性能、页岩抑制作用、水溶液活度、生物毒性以及对泥页岩半透膜膜效率的影响规律进行了测定,考察了DTG-1在淡水、盐水和饱和盐水钻井液中对钻井液流变性能和滤失造壁性能的影响,并对DTG-1稳定井壁及改善钻井液流型的作用机理进行了分析。研究表明,用淀粉合成的多羟基糖苷,具有一定的抑制泥页岩水化膨胀、分散和提高泥页岩的膜效率的作用,能有效降低钻井液的水活度,属于无毒、环保型钻井液处理剂;DTG-1对高密度钻井液具有很好的流型改善作用,用DTG-1配制的钻井液具有组成简单、流变性易调整、高温稳定性好、抗污染性强等特点。  相似文献   
为了得出低渗煤层注入/压降试井出现径向流时注入时间的大致范围,基于注入/压降试井的理论及经验,经过大量实测数据的研究和现场实地测试,提出了减小井储畸变时间、延长测试时间的可行措施,以及在煤层气参数井实行三开井制的理念。结果表明,在一定的测试时间内,对于低渗煤层注入/压降试井要出现径向流,必须在井筒安全的情况下保证注入时间(tinj)大于 3倍的井储畸变时间(twb),关井时间(tfall)大于等于2倍的注入时间。   相似文献   
系统总结了应用井壁破坏信息计算水平最大地应力的基本原理,在此基础上,编制了水平最大地应力分析流程。具体实例分析表明,该方法理论依据扎实可靠,分析流程清晰明确,操作过程简便易行。建议在我国石油工业推广应用。   相似文献   
盐膏层是油气成藏的良好盖层,塔里木盆地多个大型油气藏都属于巨厚盐下油气藏,为了提高单井产能,决定采用定向井和水平井来开发盐下油气藏。由于盐膏层距离产层较近,需要在盐膏层进行造斜。造斜井段盐膏层井眼的缩径规律及其对套管外载的影响国内外鲜有报道。应用有限元方法建立了造斜井段砂岩和盐膏岩地层、水泥环及套管耦合的三维力学模型,以塔里木羊塔克区块岩石力学测试成果为基础,研究得到造斜段井斜和方位对井眼缩径及套管外载的影响规律。该研究成果成功应用于塔里木巨厚盐下定向井、水平井轨迹设计,钻遇盐膏层泥浆密度的确定和井身结构设计,为塔里木盐膏层钻井、完井施工提供了重要的理论参考。  相似文献   
华北地区煤层气井压裂裂缝监测及其扩展规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了井温测试法、放射性同位素法、大地电位测试法和微地震测试法监测煤层水力压裂裂缝的基本原理。使用上述4种方法对华北地区施工的煤层气井压裂裂缝进行测量,得到了大量压裂井的裂缝方位和高度的监测数据。通过统计分析发现:压裂后的煤层裂缝一般都穿越其上下隔层,最大裂缝高度是压裂层厚度的6倍,裂缝长度大部分为50~90 m,裂缝形状基本以垂直裂缝为主,裂缝方向存在着随机性,扩展方向受地应力、局部地层构造和煤层割理共同作用。   相似文献   
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